Our Team

Legalcost has an experienced and talented team of legal professionals...

Kim Chapman

Kim Chapman is the most senior and experienced cost consultant in the ACT. He has been a principal of Legalcost since 1987 and has extensive experience across all aspects of legal costing and all jurisdictions.

Amongst his many professional accomplishments Kim has advised in relation to the development of the Federal Court Rules 2011 and Schedule 3 Scale of Costs as well as Part 2.17, Costs, of the ACT Court Procedures Rules 2006.

Kim has also appeared in some of the most important costing matters in the ACT jurisdiction and has an unparalleled knowledge of costing law.


Andrew Chakrabarty

Andrew Chakrabarty joined Legalcost in 2018 as part of the firm’s commitment to the future.

With degrees in Business Administration and Law and a Juris Doctor in Law from the Australian National University, Andrew is enthusiastic and committed to contributing to Legalcost’s reputation of achieving the best outcomes for our clients.


Anton Anin

Anton Anin has considerable experience in legal costing after developing his own practice in Melbourne prior to moving to Canberra.

Anton has been part of the Legalcost team since 2017 and has a double degree from the University of Melbourne in Arts and Law, as well as a Masters in International Relations from the Australian National University.

Anton brings a thorough and analytical approach to his legal costing practice to ensure high quality outcomes.


Liz Anderson

Office manager Liz Anderson has been working with Legalcost since 2017.

Liz's 30 years prior experience in the public sector have equipped her with the management and administrative skills to ensure your legal costing work is dealt with in the most efficient and professional manner possible.